About us

Started over 40 years ago, the Ross Auxiliary is an organization of women who support the town of Ross—in partnership with the Ross Property Owners’ Association—through fundraising and community events. With these activities we hope to support residents, develop friendships among neighbors and build a strong sense of community for all families in Ross.   

Long-standing community events include Spring Fling, WinterFest and the Mobile Directory. Funds raised from these events in the past have helped support the renovation of Pixie Park and the Marin Art and Garden Center. 

 Ross Auxiliary ‘23-’24 Officers

Alexandra Hudson, Co-President

Heather Potts, Co-President

Meredith Etherington, Treasurer

Susan Hwang, Secretary

Laura Dewar, Co-Social Chair

Marisa Fiscella, Co-Social Chair

Chrissy Berg, Philanthropy

You may contact us at hello@rossauxiliary.com


Ross Auxiliary welcomes all who want to build relationships and foster an enhanced sense of community within Ross.

Our purpose is to welcome new residents to town and help them get to know their neighbors by organizing special community events for the town of Ross, group get-togethers to get to know each other, and annual fundraisers to benefit our community.

The first step towards becoming a member is to attend a meeting. Interested in joining? Email us at hello@rossauxiliary.com.